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Maxin India Machinery Manufacturers has Installed Plastic Waste Shredder Machine at Enviro Recyclean Pvt. Ltd. Indore, Madhya Pradesh for the Multipurpose Use of Different Plastic Waste Materials.

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Plastic Shredder Machine
Shredding machinery

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Maxin India Machinery Manufacturers has Successfully Installed Plastic waste shredder Machine at ENVIRO RECYCLEAN PVT. LTD. Indore, Madhya Pradesh for the Multipurpose use of different Plastic waste materials.


Plastic Waste Management services – Enviro Recyclean - We're all about Recycling & Waste Management

Started with the purpose of transforming plastic into a circular economy by recycling practically all sorts of plastic waste, with the goal of creating a more sustainable future. We have established a recycling facility in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, where we collect plastic waste material from PAN India for reprocessing from various sources such as Municipal Bodies, Scrap Traders, Kabadiwala's Industries, and others, and reprocess it into new products that can be used in a wide range of industries.We're dedicated to environmental preservation by ensuring that plastic waste is recycled rather than deposited in landfills, where it can take hundreds of years to degrade.We want to foster a recycling culture among people so that they can help to create a more sustainable environment and circular economy.We follow & comply or in process to compy with all industry standards such as ISO, GRS, and others.

Waste Collection

Consumption of plastic waste has been increased in last few decades, as plastic plays an important material in the consumer marke. Collection of waste is a difficult task, we have different modes to collect the plastic waste. Rag-pickers they are the super heroes who help us reach to the waste. We have 10,000+ rag pickers who work with us for environment. We have tied up with ULBs (Urban Local Bodies) who help us to recycle plastic waste Household societies were we go and collect different types of waste from them. We are also conducting different events awareness campaign, beach clean ups for making youngsters aware of the pastic waste. We are collecting waste through other means as well like Kabadiwalas, Industrial waste etc.


The logistics for collecting plastic waste and transporting it to the collection site are essential. Due to the great distance, we have established various collection stations where individuals can deposit their plastic garbage, which will then be collected by waste collectors. This allows us to save both money and time. We also work with collection partners to transport waste to a recycling plant.


Segregation of plastic waste is necessary as there are various types of plastic which cannot be recycled together. Once the waste is collected and transported through logistics they arrive at the collection centers where the waste is segregated in to different types. Once the segregation is done the plastic waste is washed properly as it contains different types of substances in it.


Plastic waste recycling is the process of converting plastic scraps or waste and reprocessing them into sustainable products. Enviro Recyclean, recycling facility is based in Indore, which is the one of the biggest plants in India. With the best of recycling technologies available we are trying to mold different products. Recyling helps to conserve resources and diverts plastics waste from going to landfills or oceans.


Reuse of plastic scrap or waste is essential for the growth of circular economy. Recycling of plastic waste into sustainable products helps us to reduce emissions and other gases which would have been generated by going into landfills. We make different types of products by recycling plastics such as benches, tiles, dustbin, pallet, etc. There is a particular process to convert waste into valuable products collecting, sorting, shredding, washing, melting, and pelletizing. After the process this waste are converted into small granules which later are turned into Sustainable products.


The 'Swach Bharat Abhiyan' is a government of India campaign to ensure absolute cleanliness across the country. We've developed edge solutions for waste plastic that is being wasted in large amounts every day in the industry. We are proud to be one of the companies actively involved in the 'Swach Bharat Abhiyan,' an initiative by the Government of India to ensure total cleanliness across the country, with a proper training module in place in respect to collection, segregation, bailing, weighing, recycling, and processing of such waste from streets.

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